
36 Reputation

0 Badges

20 years, 104 days

Fred has spent 38 years in the software industry, and the last 28 managing sales, marketing and consulting services for software companies and consulting on strategy for companies in North America, Europe and Asia.

For the past 4½ years Fred has led Maplesoft’s efforts in the North American “Professional” market (commercial and government accounts), as well as managing our International business. During that time Maplesoft has transformed itself from a single-product, single-market company to a fast-growing provider of multiple products to a number of target markets. Also during that time, Maplesoft has initiated a multi-year, multi-million dollar partnership and consulting relationship with one of the world’s leading automobile manufacturers.

Prior to joining Maplesoft, Fred’s experience included firms such as MathWorks (8 years, V.P. Worldwide Sales), Mathsoft (3 years, Sr. V.P. Worldwide Sales & Services) and Bolt Beranek and Newman (10 years, Sales Director). Fred also was founder and CEO of International Technologies.

His early career was spent in roles such as a system architect and consulting manager with TMI Systems (principal customer was Citibank, developing communications and cryptography systems), and as an engineer at GTE Sylvania (real-time testbed and simulator for underwater communications).

During college and grad school, Fred worked for Brookhaven National Labs (mathematical analysis software for a precursor device to today’s CT Scan), and for Burroughs (system software for early ATMs).

Fred holds a Masters degree from M.I.T., where he specialized in Artificial Intelligence (his wife stresses the “artificial” aspect), and a Bachelors degree from Queens College, City University of New York, where he completed a combined major in Math, Computer Science and Physics.

Fred is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and a 2-time winner of the “top student” award from the New York City chapter of the Mathematical Association of America.

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