
40 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 165 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by infinity

Hello, thx 4 the reply but i am aware of the fact that i can use the file-open method to open any file in the same single copy of Maple I did know about the drag and drop for the first time but this solution does not fit me coz i always have the program maximized Isn't there another method other than the file-open or the drag-drop methods ? THX
Hello, thx 4 the reply but i am aware of the fact that i can use the file-open method to open any file in the same single copy of Maple I did know about the drag and drop for the first time but this solution does not fit me coz i always have the program maximized Isn't there another method other than the file-open or the drag-drop methods ? THX
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