
Inox mau Bao An

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2 years, 243 days

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Cong ty TNHH Dau Tu Thuong Mai va Xuat Nhap Khau Bao An – thanh lap ngay 17/03/2011 voi 5 nhan su khoi nghiep trong linh vuc Inox ( thep khong gi). Nhap khau truc tiep tu cac nha may uy tin tren the gioi nhu: Hwa Yang, Micron, Jindal, Posco Babra, AcerInox, Huyndai, BNG, Tisco… Dia chi: To 21 - Xom Bai, Hoang Mai, Ha Noi 10000, Viet Nam So dien thoai: 0984 019 283 Website:

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