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20 years, 51 days
Retired Senior Expert
Yvonand, Vaud, Switzerland

Social Networks and Content at Maplesoft.com

Now retired, since 2019, but still "consultant", my last post was "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA in Switzerland. With 30+ years of experience in mechatronics developments in the frame of complex, multidisciplinary, high tech "systems engineering" activities. Previous posts were "Senior Project Manager, Section Head, Project Manager, Quality Engineer, R&D Engineer. CSEM is a retained profit company, a "High Tech", R&D Institution, closely linked to the EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), we are located in Neuchatel Switzerland. We use advanced tools such as Maple(r), MapleSim(r) and COMSOL Multiphyiscs(r) for our developments and for our Ph.D. training activities.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by ivar_kjelberg

@Carl Love Thanks,
that was quick and simple (there are too many functions in Maple to remember them all :)



@Carl Love 

Thanks for the update, indeed the module/package help section could also refer to the with()/init section, I feel.

I need to do some more homework and tests to be sure I understand everything, as I need to get some local variables defined before using any procedures of my "module - option package".

It's just like how to fully understand the nesting of the module and submodule and/or proceedure global & local definitions and how they interact.

I'll eventually get there. It's decades since I last wrote code in Maple and thing has changed :)


@Carl Love Thanks,

but I got the impression that "init" was the old way, and "ModuleLoad" the more recent implementation.

I even cannot find any documentation mentionning the init for Maple 2022



@Joe Riel Thanks,

I'll pass it trough a "savelib()" then and test it therafter.
Probably I should add a line "ModuleLoad();" too, as explained in the Help.

The ModuleUnload() seems to be stacked and is automatically executed by a "restart;" even if not a MLA file

Therse two modules just behave differently, could be better explained in the doc.

OK thanks again,



I do agree, today most advanced software, such as Maple has a pletore of commands, but finding your way is becoming really difficult.

What about start a Help on Help and Searching within the Help?

If I may give a simple example:

"Tensors" are a mathematical mapping with it's mathematical theory, now the word Tensor is used (I believe) in a slightly different way for the "Deep Learning Package", great a common situation, but how to get the Search to filter out the use of Tensor name in Deep Learning from the rest ?

A search with "Tensor -DeepLearning" or a "Tensor NOT DeepLearning", as for a Google search, or many other search functions does not work.

Even searching for Help on Search functionality goes traight to the math "search" function, not to the Help on "Help Search".

So I really agree, there is a full time job (probably more than one) in improving search functionality in most advanced softwares today, and should be on the list.

But still I have fun MAPLEing away, even if I get sometimes frustrated of not finding my way in the commands :)






Thanks, it confirms my findings, I only tested the RGB to xyY and found also sRGB Adobe(r) with D65 in Maple v18. What about the others?

So for me it means this is only good for display fun, not for any science, nor even correct color representation.

I agree you need a calibrated screen, in a correctly lit environment, if you want to admire the colors and test your own eye perception, that is another story again ... The color render output issue ...




PS: Maple developpers, Math requires some rigourous approach, and that I have been convinced you have.

But for Physics you seem really weak, at least here, and we physicist need to be just as rigourous. Time to wake up, else the competition will run you down!!

@Carl Love 


Yes I have studied that page, but that is just like describing a given solution of a general PDE or DOe without defining the initial and Boundary conditins. 

There is far more to be defined here, its like comparing apples and oranges, still all fruits, but ...

I'm used to better from Maple :)

Hello again

Indeed, I see there is no way to input a "." variable in the 2D math display of MapleSim, here the name fluidMedium.cp is automatically transformed into a matrix multiply, I suspect.

So, I'll rewrite my full model, it's gonna take a day, and I have already lost 2 now, but I have learned a bit more about the internals of MapleSim. It's just that my boss does not pay me for that, nor for lost time, so I must hurry up to get this model running ...

Thanks again for the help
and lets hope the developpers speeds up a bit, and carefully test out the software, also for subsystems, next time :)




Hi and thanks,

indeed that could explain the "p" issue. I see that the problems then comes from a somewhat poorly defined Modelica item as implemented in MapleSim: "Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Interfaces.FlowPort_..." that does not refer correctly to the "medium=fluidMedium" used in MapleSim.

Then you also confirm what I suspected that the "nice" math display of MapleSim can be very misleading here.

But, what suprises me is that this should be known and easily corrected and we are already at MaplSim 2017 v3 (still my first excursion in the thermal fluid domain though ;) Hopefully its improved in v.2018 to come I hope soon

OK I'll adapt then this way. But not using the subsystems, is a real pain for my "heavy" model with six quite complex  subitems ...

Thanks for your help



Hello again

Here is a simple model to illustrate the case, this one runs as is: (see file link below)

But, select the IP1 pipe and the wires and make a subsystem => run =>

error of type a) above

Fix select subsystem entry frame and change the "1" to rho C[p] C[v] lambda and nu and it will run further =>

error type b) above

"p" is missing, just as if the pressure is not transported inside the block ...

Here I'm stuck !

I'm running a 2017.3 version, no specialitites on Win7 64 up to date

file here:  Ilustrate_Cp_p_error2017_3.msim

Thanks for any suggestions


So this one was quickly fixed :)

Thanks for that Ivar

Hi Graham

Well what about considering adding start & stop times for all graphs, there is enough room on your plot tab. And leave the default simulation sart & stop values as "default", you do it many places in the blocks.


Pls consider for future releases




PS, I will come with a few other suggestions too then, I have found several things that would make life so much easier for us users (at least those having a boss with a stopwatch looking over our shoulders ;)

Hi Graham

Well what about considering adding start & stop times for all graphs, there is enough room on your plot tab. And leave the default simulation sart & stop values as "default", you do it many places in the blocks.


Pls consider for future releases




PS, I will come with a few other suggestions too then, I have found several things that would make life so much easier for us users (at least those having a boss with a stopwatch looking over our shoulders ;)

Hi Graham

Good to hear you understand my demand, and nice to learn that you consider it for future releases, I have just to be patient then ;)



Hi Graham

Good to hear you understand my demand, and nice to learn that you consider it for future releases, I have just to be patient then ;)



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