
20 Reputation

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19 years, 142 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by jlutz1

For my Python simulations your suggestion works if I compile them. Otherwise I just get the source code. It also works for .avi .bmp .pdf .jpg etc. I could not get it to work for .mp3 or .mid files. I haven't tried .rm or .wmv files yet. The good thing is that my Python simulations work. I still wish Maplesoft would make it where there is a clean transfer of control to the file without http:// being attached to the file name. It sounds like it would be so simple. They could eliminate the restrictions. Thanks for your help.
Maplesoft would do well to consider working with MacKichan Software, the producers of Scientific Workplace and Scientific Notebook. These products are shells for producing nice type set documents while accessing Maple 5 and Mupad for symbolic math capability. Maple 10 is a big step toward document production but has a long way to go. I use Maple 10 for math and graphics and Scientific Notebook for my note taking that includes graphics and symbolic math but not to the extent of Maple. I would like to use Maple for everything.
This is a comment I made in another posting: David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer made a suggestion I used in this solution. With this work around I can execute my Vpython simulations, avi files, video, anything. Except shortcuts to objects don't seem to work. I hope others will find even better solutions. 1. Create a URL hyperlink to a junk web address. 2. Give it a name. My example name is "Copy Object Address and Paste" 3. Enter address, of the object you want to execute, as text in your worksheet. 4. Highlite and Copy this object address desired. 5. Execute the hyperlink "Copy Object Address and Paste. <-- Example Name This Hyperlink to the junk URL gives an "The page cannot be displayed" Error 6. Paste the object address you copied over the top of the junk web address. 7. Hit "Enter" to give control to the object. Note: Your Maple Worksheet is still open so you can toggle back and forth. Here is the worksheet content: Copy Object Address and Paste <-- my Maple hyperlink c:\0 Maple Temp\Double Stars.py <-- A Vpython simulation c:\0 Maple Temp\Video.avi <-- A video of a simulation c:\0 Maple Temp\I_Should Care.mp3 <-- Could be audio instruction, explanations, etc. c:\0 Maple Temp\ <-- To Access All Objects In a Folder c:\0 Maple Temp\VPython <-- Does Not Work for Shortcuts to objects.
With this work around I can execute my Vpython simulations, avi files, video, anything. Except shortcut don't seem to work. I hope others will find even better solutions. Thanks for your help. 1. Enter object address as text in worksheet. 2. Copy the object address desired. 3. Create a URL hyperlink to a junk address. 4. Give it a name. My example name is "Copy Object Address and Paste" 5. Execute the hyperlink "Copy Object Address and Paste. <-- Example Name The Hyperlink to a URL gives an "The page cannot be displayed" Error 6. Paste the object address you copied. 7. Hit enter to give control to the object. Here is the worksheet content: Copy Object Address and Paste <-- my Maple hyperlink c:\0 Maple Temp\Double Stars.py c:\0 Maple Temp\Video.avi c:\0 Maple Temp\I_Should Care.mp3 <-- Could be audio instruction, explanations, etc. c:\0 Maple Temp\ <-- To Access All Objects In Folder c:\0 Maple Temp\VPython <-- Does Not Work for Shortcuts
With this work around I can execute my Vpython simulations, avi files, video, anything. Except shortcut don't seem to work. I hope others will find even better solutions. Thanks for your help. 1. Enter object address as text in worksheet. 2. Copy the object address desired. 3. Create a URL hyperlink to a junk address. 4. Give it a name. My example name is "Copy Object Address and Paste" 5. Execute the hyperlink "Copy Object Address and Paste. <-- Example Name The Hyperlink to a URL gives an "The page cannot be displayed" Error 6. Paste the object address you copied. 7. Hit enter to give control to the object. Here is the worksheet content: Copy Object Address and Paste <-- my Maple hyperlink c:\0 Maple Temp\Double Stars.py c:\0 Maple Temp\Video.avi c:\0 Maple Temp\I_Should Care.mp3 <-- Could be audio instruction, explanations, etc. c:\0 Maple Temp\ <-- To Access All Objects In Folder c:\0 Maple Temp\VPython <-- Does Not Work for Shortcuts
I have been able to do what you suggest, however, what I want to do is to execute a Vpython program. Ex. Four Bugs Problem.py As I said, I can do this in MS Word and Scientific Notebook. I hyperlink to the file and when I activate the link it brings up Vpython and executes the file. If this feature is not availible in Maple 10, is there a way to sugest it, like a wish list of desired features? Thanks
I have been able to do what you suggest, however, what I want to do is to execute a Vpython program. Ex. Four Bugs Problem.py As I said, I can do this in MS Word and Scientific Notebook. I hyperlink to the file and when I activate the link it brings up Vpython and executes the file. If this feature is not availible in Maple 10, is there a way to sugest it, like a wish list of desired features? Thanks
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