
189 Reputation

4 Badges

19 years, 94 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by jnav

Thank you for the help and sorry for the confusion

That is correct. I am looking for black pixels in an image, hence the if statement

That is correct. I am looking for black pixels in an image, hence the if statement

Thanks for all the help. I tried and it works

My apologies if I confused you. What I'm looking for is a plot of v2 versus v1 where v1, v2 are vectors. I did it at the office with Maple 13 I just don't know why I can't do it with 11. The link below is self explanatory but I just don't know why I can't get it done with Maple 11. Thank you 

http://www.maplesoft.com/support/help/AddOns/view.aspx?path=plots/pointplot (equations 4.2, 4.3 and subsequent plot)

Thank you Georgios. I added the (unnecesary) with() commands thinking the reason for not being able to plot was a with() may be missing. I initially tried the pointplot command without assigning the plot to a variable by copy and paste other statements from other worksheets, but I must have done other mistakes because I still wasn't able to come up with the plot. Lookig at your worksheet I think there's still something wrong since it does not correctly plot the second component point of Ru, Rd at (453.33,460.6926). Let me know if you find what the problem is. Thank you again


Have you used ImageTools to do the routine? What function(s) you used?

Have you used ImageTools to do the routine? What function(s) you used?

J. Tarr,

Thanks for taking the time to look at my problem. I know now what I was doing wrong (or what I can do to animate the plot) that simply consist in adding the frames=xx option to the the odeplot statement.


Thank you Joe. It worked.
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