
170 Reputation

5 Badges

8 years, 86 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by kambiz1199


thank you soon much

@Oliver K 

thank you very much


thank you so much


thanks alot. you help me alot sir

@Rouben Rostamian  

Yes, I understand now. Thank you very much for your help

i can't do this. it't my equation

6000*sin(theta) - 3819.718635

@Rouben Rostamian  

Thank you very much for following my question. I mean the scale in the y direction.

@Rouben Rostamian  

Thank you very much for your time.
Is there no other way? Because in this case, drawing the diagram is not correct in terms of scale. Thanks


Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate your assistance.


thank you sooooo much sir


thank you so much

@Carl Love 

I apologize. I make a mistake to positive and negative values. I corrected it now. I just want the all values of the lines be written on the plot, like this picture



thank you so much


thank you sooooo much. you helpe me alot sir

@Mac Dude 

Thanks for answering.  

fortunately i find a good equation for my result . 

j := Matrix(20, 3, [[70, 8, 8.468140006], [70, 10, 4.105515432], [70, 12, 2.36261199], [70, 14, 1.422093923], [70, 16, 0.9], [100, 8, 20.47249229], [100, 10, 9.618450629], [100, 12, 5.360869165], [100, 14, 3.399312905], [100, 16, 2.640399788], [130, 8, 35.90466304], [130, 10, 17.62958097], [130, 12, 9.828362586], [130, 14, 5.866863694], [130, 16, 3.799262645], [160, 8, 57.31814648], [160, 10, 34.49692774], [160, 12, 15.39340528], [160, 14, 9.991012951], [160, 16, 6.049343013]]);
for n from 2 by 0.001 to 3 do
    eq := NonlinearFit(u*h^n*exp(-b*d)/(-c*d + h), j, [h, d], initialvalues = [b = 0.1, c = -30, u = 0.1], output = [parametervalues, residualsumofsquares]);
    if eq[2] < 20.292 then
        print(n, eq[2], eq[1]);
    end if;
end do;

@Thomas Richard 

😍😍😍 thank youuuuuu sir

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