
189 Reputation

6 Badges

19 years, 71 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by kharal9

Dear Israel,
   Thank you very much indeed. I tried hard to proceed according to your guidelines but I could not. Kindly help as to a dummy. Null set may also appear in the entries being a subset of the basic set from which matrix is being induced.

Dear Israel,
   Thank you very much indeed. I tried hard to proceed according to your guidelines but I could not. Kindly help as to a dummy. Null set may also appear in the entries being a subset of the basic set from which matrix is being induced.

I want to program a procedure whixh can produce a random partition matrix for a given set A. Many Thanks.

Dear Israel,
   Thanks for your kind help. You are right, I am looking for all such maps from subsets of B to power set of A. Your reply is still beyond my skill with Maple. Kindly complete the help.

>It would be better if you specified precisely what you meant, rather than having us  >guess.  My guess is that you're looking for all maps from subsets of B to the power  >set of A.  Suppose A has m elements and B has n.  The number of maps from a  >given k-element set to the power set of A (which has 2^m elements) is (2^m)^k = 2^ >(m*k).  The number of k-element subsets of B is binomial(n,k).
> So...


Dear Israel,
   Thanks for your kind help. You are right, I am looking for all such maps from subsets of B to power set of A. Your reply is still beyond my skill with Maple. Kindly complete the help.

Dear thanks for reply. But I am using Maple9 and it says that GraphTheory is not a package. Instead it has one "networks" but it does not work as your reply sugests. Kindly help.
Not only this, we are to find both left and right eigenvalues of a boolean matrix i.e. solving the equations: vM = v Mv = v where v is a vector and M the boolean matrix. In fact such values provide info about the graph-generated topology.
The boolean matrices I referred in last message are basically adjacency matrices of graphs. I think the suggestion of Israel, of computing eigen values as ordinary matrices is not right; it gives answers in non-boolean entries. Any other suggestion please.
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