
15 Reputation

3 Badges

11 years, 305 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by lawl

using a different text editor seems like a good solution to me but.................. However, when I open a .mpl file I have made in MAPLE with a regular text editor, I see a not-so-readable xml file. How would I make from scratch something that MAPLE can read and execute? Do I simply prepend commands with ">" ? Do you perhaps have a template for me?

using a different text editor seems like a good solution to me but.................. However, when I open a .mpl file I have made in MAPLE with a regular text editor, I see a not-so-readable xml file. How would I make from scratch something that MAPLE can read and execute? Do I simply prepend commands with ">" ? Do you perhaps have a template for me?

also if I use 'with' to include a module, that's very nice and all, but where do I find these modules and how can I see what's included in them. It would be nice to follow the KISS philosophy.

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