
25 Reputation

One Badge

5 years, 118 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by love-algebra

@Kitonum Thank u so much

thank you for your answer.
I ned to know how long it will take to become zero .
next, i will duration this time in to equation then i can plot it in function of G,K .

I nedd another answer of this equation.

what is solutuion ?

all variables are positive and  unequal to zero .

thank u .

thank you so much

Thank you so much.



Thanks alot dear mmcdara 620

i have a new question.

 i have a experession :

i want to define a expression such this:

i want to sort it by maple like below (i want a operator or function that it get beta and expression then it automatically sort like bellow:

(this is a example . i have many long expression that they are contain the beta and beta is hided in them . maple must recognize L/m and replace it by beta).
best regards

Thanks alot dear mmcdara 620

i have a new question.

 i have a experession :

i want to define a expression such this:

i want to sort it by maple like below (i want a operator or function that it get beta and expression then it automatically sort like bellow:

(this is a example . i have many long expression that they are contain the beta and beta is hided in them . maple must recognize L/m and replace it by beta).
best regards

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