
10 Reputation

4 Badges

12 years, 107 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mahdi1625

the following program dont work

a := 1;
b := 2;
c := 3;
d := 4;
eq1 := a*x[1]-b*x[2] = 0;
eq2 := c*x[2]-d*x[1] = 3;
dd := fsolve({eq1, eq2}, {x[1], x[2]});


wouldyo please help me?


I have written the maple code to calculate time domain value of the laplace domain equation. It contain slowly converge double series so that I used epsilon algorithm to accelerate convergence. one summation contain 7 terms and another summation terms reduce to 850 terms after the use of epsilon alorithms. I also used deHoog algorithm with 9 terms to obtain time domain data but maple give the following error:

Error: (in evalf/exp/general) object too large


 In the following root finding code, the wn[1] is calculated as [] although it is within the specified range. would you please tell me why?


In my complex root finding problem it is essential to obtain complex roots in each period of the function. to do this i have write the following code with functional periods but it doesnt work. would you please tell me why? and how can i correct the code?

 I want to calculate successive roots of the following complex eq.

how can I set interval (?) for fsolve in the following code:

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