
40 Reputation

4 Badges

11 years, 249 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by manueleleonelli

@Markiyan Hirnyk  Thank you very much... Is there a way to define atomic identifier directly in the code???


@Carl Love Hi, 
I was wondering if it is possible to substitute a variable with different values depending on the degree it has in a monomial.

So for example in the inital poly, I would like to substitute x with a+b in the case the monomial has an x^2 and with c+d if x has degree 1 in the monomial.

Thanks in advance

@Carl Love That's quite cool!! Thanks a lot!!! 

@Carl Love The colors are very cool!! Can one have in the same plot the two regions of the cube in different colors??


How do I also the condition that alpha is an integer (positive)?

How do I also the condition that alpha is an integer (positive)?

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