
22 Reputation

5 Badges

14 years, 315 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by maple


when can we use delayMax code?  Is delaymax is important to plot delay ODE?

@Preben Alsholm

Thank you for you reply

The code is not working in my Maple . when i eneter the code there is message as following 

Warning, cannot evaluate the solution past the initial point, problem may be complex, initially singular or improperly set up

Can you please help to solve this issue ?

@mmcdara thank you very much for your replay. I have did reseach a long this website and I donot find any way to solve system of fractional ode. This is stronge 

@Preben Alsholm 


Thank you for your help. I mean dsolve comment in maple depend it on numberical method so this method could be has error. Thus can we change it to new method.



@Preben Alsholm 

Thank you for your respond.

i need good method to solve this equastion numbercally. Is it possible to advise me ?



Thank you for your respond

I am not sure who use this comment in maple to generate the data from the above maple comment,



After this comment maple , what i need to do to save the data to plot in Gnuplot?

Your help is much appreitited.



Thank you for your respond.

I am not sure why infinity~5. Is it correct?

Your respond much appreteited 





Thank you very much for respond

I ran the program successfully before more than 10 times, but then got this error when running it again in  the same Maple session. I shud down the copmuter than one time but the problem still exist.  Even small opration using maple the same proble is exist. I think the problem come from  maple program.

Thus could please help me ? 



Thank you very much for respond

I ran the program successfully before more than 10 times, but then got this error when running it again in  the same Maple session. I shud down the copmuter than one time but the problem still exist.  Even small opration using maple the same proble is exist. I think the problem come from  maple program.

Thus could please help me ? 



but i cannot export from maple it give massege that XLLABEL it must contain ...


but i cannot export from maple it give massege that XLLABEL it must contain ...


Thank you very mucht for respond



Thank you very mucht for respond


thank you for respond

however how to convert the figure from eps to pdf.

i hope to hear you soon

thank you for respond

however how to convert the figure from eps to pdf.

i hope to hear you soon

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