
160 Reputation

5 Badges

9 years, 346 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mapleatha

I have 6 equations, eq1,...,eq6, with 6 unknowns a,b,c,d,f,g. I can find all the solutions with "solve".
If "solve" has found only one solution, then the ith solution number is given by sol[i]. For example,
c:=sol[3]. This comes from


However, if solve has found more than one solution,
then the jth element of the ith solution is sol[i][j]. It is thus imperative to know how many solutions
the command "solve" has found. Also, how do we restrict "solve" to look only for real soultions?
Thank you very much!


I would like to check if op(n,g) exists for a given function g and a positive integer n.
How do I do it?
Naturally, I don't have the function g. It is theoretically created.
Thank you!




Is there a way to remove the parentheses around y'(t)?

Thank you!



Assume that f:=(s+2)^2*(s-3). How do we get the order of the two factors reversed?
In other words, how do we get g:=(s-3)*(s+2)^2 by manipulating f? As usually,
I don't have f fixed. It is a product of two algebraic factors generated within the Maple program.
Thank you!


I occasionally need single left quotes placed around the value of number.
Let's say x=3. Is there a command on x that will make x=`3`?
Thank you!


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