
171 Reputation

6 Badges

17 years, 129 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by maplematt

I wonder if maple has a way for multiple inputs to functions.  For example, given:

f := (x,y) → x + y

is there a way to pass in (x,y) = (0,0) AND (1,1) at the same time?   I tried:


But the output doesn't make sense to me.I have wanted this feature as long as I have had maple, but gave up on this possibility.  Now by accident I discovered something quite similar. when checking maple's solution to a system of equations.

Hello, I have an equation to solve over the integers. I already know that there are an infinite number of solutions, but I would like to know how I can get Maple to reproduce my results. I used isolve, but it returned nothing. Is there a trick or way of phrasing the question to get Maple to solve the problem? Thanks isolve((x+y+z)^3 = x*y*z) I also tried (with the same results): isolve((x+y+z)^3-x*y*z = 0) The solution is obviously: {0, n,-n} or some permutation of this set. Note I would like to be able to solve this as if I had no guess! Thank you.
Hello, I am using dsolve to solve a set of coupled differential equations. After they are solved I do some further manipulations on them. Every time I restart maple and execute the document, maple solves the equations but puts them in a different order and has the constants mixed up. Thus I have to keep hitting the (!!!) button until I happen to get the solution I had when I did the further manipulations. Is there a way to proscribe maple's output to a certain order? Here is an example: One time the solution will look like: {F(x) = f(x)*_C1 + g(x)*_C2, G(x) = m(x)*_C3 + v(x)*_C4}
Hello, I appreciate this forum because NOT one of my questions has been answered by the Maple help, which I think is very poor. The question I am working with has to do with the arbitrary constants that maple puts into the solution to differential equations. I have two differential equations which, when solved, will be set equal to each other. Now the equations are second degree so they both have two constants associated with their respective solutions. The problem is that when I set the solutions equal to each other, the constants will be different, but I can't seem to rename them from the standard _C1 etc. Here is what I tried:
I am using a maple document to solve some equations. All of the results are displayed centered on the page, except one. This result is all the way on the left side. Does anyone know why?'>View file details When I uploaded the file it is in the center! Why is the last result on the left in my screen?
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