
100 Reputation

5 Badges

18 years, 227 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by markweitzman

Thanks, after changing "kerneloptes" to kernelopts it works correctly. Thank you so much for your help,



I am having problems in getting this to work.  First I am usin Maple 13 on a mac.  Second Do you mean After "with( DifferentialAlgebra)" in your comment since I am using differential geometry package.  Third I get error label DataToLabel is not a command in the DifferentialGeometry package.  I have attached worksheet below and thanks once again for your efforts,




sphere > 

Error, labelDataToLabel is not a command in the DifferentialGeometry package

sphere > 

sphere > 







sphere > 

sphere > 

sphere > 

sphere > 

sphere > 

sphere > 

sphere > 

sphere > 


Again thanks so much for the help but I still can't get any of this to work - I am inserting a maple worksheet as well as a link to it.

  Mark Weitzman








sphere > 

sphere > 

sphere > 

sphere > 

sphere > 

sphere > 

sphere > 

sphere > 

sphere > 


Thanks for suggestion - I can't seem to get it to work - exactly where am I supposed to insert this command? in the DGsetup( [Ψ,ϴ,ϕ], ThreeSphere, verbose) ; command - before it or after it ?

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