
5 Reputation

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1 years, 279 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mart9203


I get the following error: "Error, (in dsolve) invalid input: 'PDEtols/sdsolve' expects its 1st argument, SYS, to be of type OR(set(..."

I don't know what's wrong. My equations look like a set to me.

My equations:

{0 = -F__Ay - F__By, 0 = 25*F__Oy + 25*F__Ay - 25*F__By, diff(theta__1(t), t)*t - theta__1(t) = 0, -x__1(t) + 25*cos(theta__1(t)) = 0, -y__1(t) + 25*sin(theta__1(t)) = 0, (2500*cos(theta__1(t))*diff(theta__1(t), t)*pi)/3 - 50*cos(theta__1(t))*diff(theta__2(t), t)*theta__2(t) = F__Ax + F__Ox + F__Bx, (2500*cos(theta__1(t))*diff(theta__1(t), t)*pi)/3 - 50*cos(theta__1(t))*diff(theta__2(t), t)*theta__2(t) = F__Ay + F__Oy + F__By, diff(theta__2(t), t)*t - Pi/4 - theta__2(t) = 0, x__1(t) + 25*cos(theta__1(t)) - x__2(t) - 50*cos(theta__2(t)) = 0, y__1(t) + 25*sin(theta__1(t)) - y__2(t) - 50*sin(theta__2(t)) = 0, (1250*cos(theta__1(t))*diff(theta__1(t), t)*pi)/3 = -F__Ax - F__Bx, (1250*cos(theta__1(t))*diff(theta__1(t), t)*pi)/3 = -50*F__Ay + 50*F__By}

My solve:

dsolve({eqs[1] = 0, eqs[2] = 0, eqs[3] = 0, eqs[4] = 0, eqs[5] = 0, eqs[6] = 0, eqs_Mq[1] = eqs_g[3], eqs_Mq[1] = eqs_g[6], eqs_Mq[2] = eqs_g[1], eqs_Mq[2] = eqs_g[2], eqs_Mq[3] = eqs_g[4], eqs_Mq[3] = eqs_g[5]}, numeric)

Anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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