
175 Reputation

8 Badges

9 years, 120 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by max125

I am not sure why p is assigned to 1 when I do a logic problem.

The letter p should stay as p and not be assigned to one. I suspect it has something to do with a statement that is always true. This is annoying because sometimes I have expressions with p in a formula later on, and I didn't realize p has been assigned to 1. And I can't use p in a logical formula either since it's already been assigned to 1.

I am trying to solve an equation using surd and I get a strange result.

    4, -4, 4 I, -4 I

These solutions are clearly wrong.

The equation (x^4)^(1/8) = -2 has no solution.

This problem is equivalent to asking the computer to solve sqrt(x) = -2

which has no solution in R or C.


However if I type

solve((x^4)^(1/8) = -2) , then I get no answer, which is what I expected.

Why does surd behave in this unexpected way.


Also another thing I am wondering, why doesn't Maple simplify (x^4)^(1/8) to x^(1/2).

I tried the simplify command it didn't work.


I have two sets 




I want to program , if it is true that f[i] = h[i], then it prints f[i]. So the output should be {1,2}.

for i in L do
if evalb(f[i]=h[i]) then
end if;
end do;

I get no output.

I tried changing the set f to list, f:= [1,2,3,4], still no output.

I am wondering why Maple does this.

> f:=x^2
> f(3)
output: x(3)^2

I understand the difference between an expression and a function. If f is an expression, shouldn't it ouput  x^2(3). Why is the output x(3)^2?

When I enter f*3 or f*(3) then I get the correct expression.

Here is a screenshot.

Here is image inserted with a slightly different function


Also while I am here, what exactly does g(x):= x^2 do? when i enter g(3) I get g(3) back.

g(x) is neither a function nor an expression.


Hi. I have this strange error.

Whenever I type D(f)(x) into the maple prompt, the program adds a whitespace between D(f) and (x), so I get the wrong output. I have to go back and delete the space manually. Here is a picture.

I type 'D(f)(x)'  and the software displays 'D(f) (x) ' in the prompt, with the extra space.

I am using maple 2015 if that helps, but I think I had the same error with Maple 18

I did not add a space. I literally just entered f:=x->x^2 -3*x + 2; D(f)(x)

but the computer adds a space as I type D(f)(x).

Also I'm not sure why the space ruins the expression

What i am supposed to get is  ' 2x - 3 '

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