
195 Reputation

8 Badges

9 years, 256 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by max125

@Preben Alsholm what is going on internally here. nothing seems to happen here

According to this, it uses a remember table

> f(x):=2*x+2;

defines f as a procedure with a "remember table" that is assigned only for the argument x:

> f(u);


> f(x)=2*x+2;

is an equation.

@Preben Alsholm And based on your example, we could say, evaluating functions comes before exponentiating (order of operations).

That is, x^2(3) = x^(2(3)) = x^(2) = x^2

So to answer the question above

> f:=x^2
> f(3)
why is output: x(3)^2

It is treating 'x' as a function, which we could have defined earlier.

In other words, f(3) = (x(3))^2 = x(3)^2

The only way to escape this is to insert a multiplication sign.

It is interesting that 2(3) evaluates to 2 treating it as a constant function. A proviso, this must be in maple input. In 2d math mode, 2(3) is assumed to be multiplication and evaluates to 6.


@Markiyan Hirnyk woops, i see now. thanks :)

@Markiyan Hirnyk I don't understand.

I an interested to see how Maple can help students learn new concepts.

In my experiencing using Maple lets you avoid tedious calculation so you have a clear idea of the target solution. It can also aid in the understanding of the manual calculations.


I have noticed that autoscroll does not work as well in maple 2015

also when i use autocomplete, it gets stuck

For example if I type


the cursor gets suck after the letter s and have to manually use mouse to get cursor after ] to close with parentheses.

This only happens in 2d math mode, not in 1d math mode.

But the 1d math mode does not always autoscroll down so I prefer not to use it either.



i see, thankyou

and by 'parsed' what do you mean, that the software adds the smart operator?

im not familiar with this word


ok is 1d math the same as maple notation

and 'maple input'


what is the advantage of using maple input versus 2d math



I am using 1d math , I believe.

well it says 2d input in the drop down menu

how do you use 1d math.


wow that did the trick

I unchecked 'smart operator' and applied globally. now it works.

so the smart operator treated 'D(f)(x)' as D(f)*(x)

still i wonder why with 'smart operator' enabled, it adds a space when you type D(f)(x) into the prompt,

so I see  D(f)  (x)   

this might be a clue

if you put a space between (x-3)  (x-2) , maple treats it like (x-3)*(x-2)

without a space it treats it as , something else

@Adri van der Meer 

Your expression is correct but it doesn't address my problem.

The problem that I am having is that when I type 'D(f)(x) ' the software adds a space and writes 'D(f) (x)' and then i have to go back and manually delete the space. It might have something to do with the left parenthese.

take a look at this , it might be more clear

do you see the space is larger between D(f) (x) , versus D(f)(x)

when I input it, it gives me an extra space



@tomleslie Thankyou for your reply.

Question. What is the exact difference between sort and collect. why do they work differently.

I have uploaded the document so you can view the differences. Here is a screenshot.

Here is the worksheet.

@Markiyan Hirnyk thankyou for youre reply

@Rouben Rostamian  

that seems work, thankyou.

but... there may be a situation where you can't use surd. I am looking for examples.

j:= x-> x^2.875

now i have problems with complex numbers


evalf(j(-2))  comes out complex answer

So i have to turn 2.875 into a rational number. 

I tried

j(-2) gave me

Oh nevermind, surd(x,8) is not defined for x<0 reals anyway.

which is complex

There are also possible problems if you raise a number to a square root

m:= x-> x^cuberoot 3



Also what exactly is the definition of the principal cube root of -1, it is necessarily a complex number?

I know the principal square root of 4 is 2.


Does (RealDomain); get you the same result with fractional exponents? I tried it and got a messy expression with signum's everywhere.


Also odd is the fact

evalf(surd(-2,8)) does not equal evalf((-2)^(1/8))

shouldn't they be equal since if x < 0 , the surd becomes complex


more observations:

does not simplify as well as your expression

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