
10 Reputation

One Badge

11 years, 162 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by maypay

I'm trying to solve this system of ODEs by Laplace transform. 

> de1 := d^2*y(t)/dt^2 = y(t)+3*x(t)

> de2 := d^2*x(t)/dt^2 = 4*y(t)-4*exp(t)

with initial conditions 

> ICs := y(0) = 2, (D(y))(0) = 3, x(0) = 1, (D(x))(0) = 2



> deqns := de1, de2


> var := y(t), x(t)


I need to solve it for both y(t) and x(t), I have tried this by:

> dsolve({ICs, deqns}, var, method = laplace)


> dsolve({ICs, deqns}, y(t), method = laplace)

> dsolve({ICs, deqns}, x(t), method = laplace)


However I get this error message:

Error, (in dsolve/process_input) invalid initial condition


Any help is appreciated

Hi, I’ve recently begun using Maple 16. I just discovered a problem when trying to open my saved files. I can’t open them directly form the folder where they are saved, I get a Message saying: File could not be found, please select another file. I can accsess the same file through the recent files form within the application.

It is not a shortcut, but the original file I'm trying to open.
If it matters, I'm using windows 8 

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