mehdi jafari

769 Reputation

13 Badges

11 years, 271 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by mehdi jafari

can u plot what u want in a peper sheet ? if u can,please expalin more.

@Axel Vogt please update your post with maple code.

i think u are asking this question for the other main problem,right ? could u tell us your main problem ? if i understand your major problem,maybe u should look at this also :

Good luck .

@acer thank u. that was exactly what i needed.

@J4James just compare these to answers ! in new code which i upload,compare ans1 and ans2 ! u can see easily maple has found these 4 unknowns ! just see exactly and compare !


Download maple.mws


@J4James it is exact soultion and u use these boundary conditions to determine those Cs 
for solving using numeric process, u should use dsolve(Eq1,numeric) .
be sure this is exact solution.

you should note that answers of the form _C1+_C2*y+_C3*exp(y)+_C4*exp(-y) are also exact soultions, which your first answer dsolve gives that, but boundaries are unknown and should be solved, u use Bcs to make maple find thes unknown c1 and c2 and ... pramateres , but this answer is also exact solution.

numeric soulitons are those which use numeric methods to solve the equation.

if u compare first answer of (dsolve) and second (dsolve,bcs) u can see maple has found those unknown parametes.
good luck!

please do not put picture of your code , i do not think poeple like to write your code again from the picture.thnx

@Kitonum thnx,i saw this answer now, but i think it is exactly what i needed,tnx.

@Carl Love could you please explain more about isprime ? or can i find that in any book ? why u said it takes years of study to understand isprime !? it uses special math ? or what ?

i will think and study about this, and i hope i can do sth, and hope maple's expert users also help. good luck.

@fernandonobrega please write down the Schrödinger's equation in one variable with a potential V(x) .
i really do not understand the question ! 
i just give an example for solving ode from maple help page :

sys_ode := diff(y(t),t) = x(t),  diff(x(t),t) = -x(t);
ics := x(0)=1, y(1)=0;
dsolve([sys_ode, ics]);

also if your differential equation is so complicated,u can solve it by dsolve(... , numeric ) option,
please write exactly your differential equation or system of differential equations so that we can solve it.

@Carl Love actually i do not know where is the problem, the problem is continued from our last discussion when we want to seprate the matrix to another matrix multiply in coefficient vector,for example 
after produncing k , k.a does not equal A since there is some little terms which i think is round off error,
actually when i chande number of digits these errors also change , for example in my own case :

Digits:= 10:
(K.vars - eqns)[1]= -.2e2*a[8]*a[6]+.2e2*a[6]*a[7]+.9e2*a[5]*a[8]

Digits:= 20:
(K.vars - eqns)[1]= .1e-8*a[8]*a[7]-.4e-8*a[8]*a[6]+.2e-8*a[8]^2

(K.vars - eqns)[1]=-.1e-38*a[8]*a[7]-.2e-38*a[8]*a[6]

as u can see, when i change digits,the error order differs,now can u tell me what is the problem ?

here is the code itself maple.mws

@toandhsp do u know how to solve it by hand ? if u know this,i think it is too easy to write the code in maple.

@Carl Love you are perfect. i am really thankful since it was a very major problem for me. really thank u.

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