
64 Reputation

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17 years, 237 days

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These are answers submitted by moeslerfred

Scott, You are the ayatollah of rock and rolla today! That works perfect! Thanks for the help and the understanding! Fred
Here's my first attempt at sharing a file. Hope it works... Assuming it works, you can see the result in the final chart (black line, ptot). The totalizer appears to be reset each time I hit the piecewise interval. I'm not sure if it's the form of my totalizer, or some function in dsolve that I'm missing, but the goal is to integrate the exit flow and add it to the material still in the tank. It works fine when I don't use the piecewise form. Thoughts? TIA, Fred View 5483_Ferm on MapleNet or Download 5483_Ferm
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Anybody have any thoughts on this? I really think I'm missing something simple. Thanks in advance, Fred
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