
4 Reputation

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14 years, 236 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by morpheus2002

Hy Guy,

I also would like to aks your help because I am working on a project where I have a matrix which is changes depending on the i=1..4 and j=0..90 by 5. I would like to visualize the [1,1] element of this matrix depending on the "i" and "j".

I tried to put together the code using your comments but I never seen the plot.  I assume I do something wrong.

Would it be possible one of you to check the code?

The first element of the matrix is defined by A[i,j][1,1]

Here is my code:

graph:=[seq(A[i,j][1,1], i=0..90,5)];

plotList:=[seq(plot(graph[n], x=1..90),n=1..4)];



Thanks a lot,



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