
4 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 148 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by mrcode

Thank you very much!

I couldn't manage to get that list w... but anyway, I see that there's really nothing interesting... (actually I was so impressed by the rapidity of the mersenne function...)

I wanted to understand why the record mersenne prime was exactly the limit of the algorithm... (if we can call that an algorithm...)

So mersenne(32582657) returns a too large integer to display... but that means that it is actually a mersenne prime. But when I wanted mersenne(nextprime(32582657)), it gave a FAIL...

I think I'll have to do my own arithmetic weapon


Thank you again!

Thank you very much!

I couldn't manage to get that list w... but anyway, I see that there's really nothing interesting... (actually I was so impressed by the rapidity of the mersenne function...)

I wanted to understand why the record mersenne prime was exactly the limit of the algorithm... (if we can call that an algorithm...)

So mersenne(32582657) returns a too large integer to display... but that means that it is actually a mersenne prime. But when I wanted mersenne(nextprime(32582657)), it gave a FAIL...

I think I'll have to do my own arithmetic weapon


Thank you again!

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