
175 Reputation

6 Badges

9 years, 251 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mthkvv

Hi there.

I found some strange behavior of int function in document with using of Physics package in Maple 2021 in comparison with Maple 2020:

Please look at that.

Thank you.

Hi there.

I would like to get advice about most elegant and effective ways of building animated plots (sequnces of plots) of two kinds:

1. Coordinates of point on some background curve. So each plot in sequence contain constant background curve and single point that moving from plot to plot;

2. Line of points from some array. So i-th plot in sequence draw line that build on i (1..i) points from array.

I want to demonstrate these animated plots on some example - Kepler problem (point moving on ellipse):

But I don't think that my code is effective.

Thank you.

Hi there,

what's wrong with this example:


Thank you

Hi there.

As we all know if we multiply two polynomials f(x) and g(x) of degrees m and n respectively we get polynomial h(x)= f(x)*g(x) of degree m+n and with m+n+1 coefficients in general. Function modp1(('Multiply')(...)) doing this very well. But sometimes we don't need full resulting h(x) - just subset of monomials and subset of coefficients of h(x) - so we don't need to calculate all m+n+1 coefficients of h(x) and waste time and resources for that.

I would request some additional rework of modp1 package: by adding to modp1(('Multiply')(...)) two optional parameters - degrees of first and last calculating coefficients of h(x).

For example:

h:=modp1(Multiply(f, g,n-1,n+1), p) could calculate only monomials with n-1, n and n+1 degrees and set other monomials to zero.

Or maybe it should be new function:

h:=modp1(Multiply_Truncate(f, g,n-1,n+1), p)


Is it possible?

It would be great and very efficient in many tasks.

Thank you.

Hi all,

There is issue with saving big numbers to txt file on WIndows

Please look at the file:

Function save just cutting a big number.

Thank you.

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