
24 Reputation

2 Badges

14 years, 186 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by nathan04

I hate to keep barking up the same tree, but how should I use Maple to generate a phase plane diagram for the van der Pol equation

d2x/dt2 +5(x2-1)*[dx/dt] + x = 0    ? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance,


I hate to keep barking up the same tree, but how should I use Maple to generate a phase plane diagram for the van der Pol equation

d2x/dt2 +5(x2-1)*[dx/dt] + x = 0    ? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance,


The particular system I am looking at is:

dx/dt = x(7-x-2y)

dy/dt = y(5-y-x)

I have been able to prepare phase plane diagrams for other systems although I am having difficulty with this system...

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