
32 Reputation

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17 years, 99 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by nextdrinkplease

Hi everyone, I m a beginner with maple, so please, be patient with me! I m trying to use some complex algebra in maple. In particular, I want to define a function f(r,z) and I want to impose it to be REAL. So I thought, let's first impose the variables to be real(I'm using Maple 10, so I write everything as if I was in a document, ok?): assume(r,real) assume(z,real) after I have done this, I define the function, using the appropriate f(x,y) button in the toolbar: F:=f(r,z) and I impose it to be real: assume(F, real) but for some reason this does not work. Anyone knows why? The reason why I need to impose the function to be real is that F will be later multiplied by exp(Iz) to form a complex number.
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