
10 Reputation

2 Badges

14 years, 35 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by nhau

Thanks Axel!

I have tried google but most of links I see are related to elliptic on Fp. I haven't seen a link that shows example of using maple to implement elliptic on GF(p^m). Maybe I'm not lucky.

The scalar multiplication algorithm I'm learning is at


I'm just new with Maple, if you see any link that may help me in this case, please share with me.

Thank you very much,


Thanks Axel!

I have tried google but most of links I see are related to elliptic on Fp. I haven't seen a link that shows example of using maple to implement elliptic on GF(p^m). Maybe I'm not lucky.

The scalar multiplication algorithm I'm learning is at


I'm just new with Maple, if you see any link that may help me in this case, please share with me.

Thank you very much,


Thanks a lot, John!

By the way, do you happen to know how to map a number to a point on elliptic on GF(p^m)? With the package GF you guided, I think I can use GF:-input to map a number to an element in GF(p^m). But I don't know how to map this element to a point on elliptic curve.

If you know any procedure to do this, please help me.

Thanks very much in advance,


Thanks a lot, John!

By the way, do you happen to know how to map a number to a point on elliptic on GF(p^m)? With the package GF you guided, I think I can use GF:-input to map a number to an element in GF(p^m). But I don't know how to map this element to a point on elliptic curve.

If you know any procedure to do this, please help me.

Thanks very much in advance,


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