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12 years, 56 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by nm

I am using the smart plot (i.e plot without giving the x=from..to) since I am generating these plots programmatically and better let Maple figure the best range to use.

But found Maple hangs on some solutions.

Here is an example


I waited for 30 minutes and nothing happened.

If I change the above command to 


then it finishes instantly. It looks like Maple is stuck trying to find correct x and y ranges to use.

Is this known limitation  or smart plot or is this a bug?

Maple 2024.1 on windows 10.


sometimes (not often) I get this pop-up window when I open new worksheet and run something first time in it.

And it can last for 10-20 seconds until connection is made.

I have my preferences set to  create new engine for each worksheet.

The strange thing when this happened now, is that I only had 4 worksheets open and was not running anything in any of them. So Maple was not "busy". Task manage showed 8 mservers.exe processes on it at the time. Which is not unormal.

I have 128 GB and PC was not busy at the time this happened.

Any idea what can cause this to happen?

Windows 10 home edition, Maple 2024.1

When making this plot, using smart plot (i.e. not giving the plot command the x=from..to and also not giving it y=from...to


I need to programatically find the x=-10..10 and y=-1..1 from the variable p. But if I do

rhs~(indets(p, identical("originalview")=anything));

it gives

              {[-10. .. 10., 0. .. 0.]}

But clearly looking at the plot the y axis is from -1..1

The reason I need to determine the view from the above plot, is that I need to use same view windows size in another plot not using smart plot (phase plot) which requires one to provide explicit x and y ranges. i.e I'd like the phase plot to have same view size in terms of x range and y range.

I printed the PLOT structure but do not see another field to look at. 

Any idea or trick to find y=-1..1 values in this example ? I am using Maple 2024.1

PLOT(CURVES(Matrix(200,2,{(1, 1) = -10., (2, 1) = -9.89484789949749, (3, 1) = 
-9.80335561909548, (4, 1) = -9.70046298090452, (5, 1) = -9.59688830351759, (6,
1) = -9.49380589849246, (7, 1) = -9.39823531356784, (8, 1) = -9.29927750854271,
(9, 1) = -9.19693520502513, (10, 1) = -9.09492111457286, (11, 1) = 
-8.98998708341709, (12, 1) = -8.89756113165829, (13, 1) = -8.79351140100503, (
14, 1) = -8.6890344321608, (15, 1) = -8.58835151356784, (16, 1) = 
-8.49692177788945, (17, 1) = -8.38820297889447, (18, 1) = -8.29610389547739, (
19, 1) = -8.18897076683417, (20, 1) = -8.09413979497487, (21, 1) = 
-7.99009518894472, (22, 1) = -7.89102011959799, (23, 1) = -7.78764567839196, (
24, 1) = -7.69271567135678, (25, 1) = -7.59032083417085, (26, 1) = 
-7.4839613758794, (27, 1) = -7.39137515477387, (28, 1) = -7.29137949949749, (29
, 1) = -7.18807420301508, (30, 1) = -7.08701012462312, (31, 1) = 
-6.9892254321608, (32, 1) = -6.88065220301508, (33, 1) = -6.78309432763819, (34
, 1) = -6.67893047236181, (35, 1) = -6.58454253768844, (36, 1) = 
-6.48135159396985, (37, 1) = -6.38425695778894, (38, 1) = -6.28276508643216, (
39, 1) = -6.18353823115578, (40, 1) = -6.07965690954774, (41, 1) = 
-5.97960685025126, (42, 1) = -5.87729121407035, (43, 1) = -5.77582280301507, (
44, 1) = -5.68258387135678, (45, 1) = -5.57572153366834, (46, 1) = 
-5.48014258492462, (47, 1) = -5.37823549045226, (48, 1) = -5.28069739798995, (
49, 1) = -5.17239388140703, (50, 1) = -5.07861099396985, (51, 1) = 
-4.97216657788945, (52, 1) = -4.87515404824121, (53, 1) = -4.76903758693467, (
54, 1) = -4.67747702713568, (55, 1) = -4.57320023718593, (56, 1) = 
-4.47247400603015, (57, 1) = -4.37181357688442, (58, 1) = -4.27152345929648, (
59, 1) = -4.17517605326633, (60, 1) = -4.07102195577889, (61, 1) = 
-3.97175554874372, (62, 1) = -3.86728232964824, (63, 1) = -3.77270890854271, (
64, 1) = -3.66818757386935, (65, 1) = -3.56807434874372, (66, 1) = 
-3.46820480201005, (67, 1) = -3.36389067336683, (68, 1) = -3.26781355276382, (
69, 1) = -3.16941743919598, (70, 1) = -3.06077643819095, (71, 1) = 
-2.96241091055276, (72, 1) = -2.86181373366834, (73, 1) = -2.7595089959799, (74
, 1) = -2.66547103417085, (75, 1) = -2.5652296120603, (76, 1) = 
-2.46575123417085, (77, 1) = -2.35934029145729, (78, 1) = -2.26543724422111, (
79, 1) = -2.15709262110553, (80, 1) = -2.05931995175879, (81, 1) = 
-1.96257900603015, (82, 1) = -1.85855141105528, (83, 1) = -1.75410300301508, (
84, 1) = -1.65907041708543, (85, 1) = -1.5581500321608, (86, 1) = -1.4596616, (
87, 1) = -1.35289910050251, (88, 1) = -1.26051985527638, (89, 1) = 
-1.15441893366834, (90, 1) = -1.05467848944724, (91, 1) = -.955901429145728, (
92, 1) = -.857045790954773, (93, 1) = -.756219297487437, (94, 1) = 
-.649344903517589, (95, 1) = -.551351549748743, (96, 1) = -.454619526633167, (
97, 1) = -.351214585929648, (98, 1) = -.248034748743718, (99, 1) = 
-.155424717587939, (100, 1) = -.0457214572864313, (101, 1) = .0460731437185924,
(102, 1) = .153437240201004, (103, 1) = .255905869346734, (104, 1) = 
.347398149748743, (105, 1) = .4502907879397, (106, 1) = .553865465326634, (107,
1) = .656947870351759, (108, 1) = .752518455276382, (109, 1) = .851476260301508
, (110, 1) = .953818563819095, (111, 1) = 1.05583265427136, (112, 1) = 
1.16076668542714, (113, 1) = 1.25319263718593, (114, 1) = 1.3572423678392, (115
, 1) = 1.46171933668342, (116, 1) = 1.56240225527638, (117, 1) = 
1.65383199095477, (118, 1) = 1.76255078994975, (119, 1) = 1.85464987336683, (
120, 1) = 1.96178300201005, (121, 1) = 2.05661397386935, (122, 1) = 
2.1606585798995, (123, 1) = 2.25973364924623, (124, 1) = 2.36310809045226, (125
, 1) = 2.45803809748744, (126, 1) = 2.56043293467337, (127, 1) = 
2.66679239296482, (128, 1) = 2.75937861407035, (129, 1) = 2.85937426934673, (
130, 1) = 2.96267956582914, (131, 1) = 3.06374364422111, (132, 1) = 
3.16152833668342, (133, 1) = 3.27010156582915, (134, 1) = 3.36765944120603, (
135, 1) = 3.47182329648241, (136, 1) = 3.56621123115578, (137, 1) = 
3.66940217487437, (138, 1) = 3.76649681105528, (139, 1) = 3.86798868241206, (
140, 1) = 3.96721553768844, (141, 1) = 4.07109685929648, (142, 1) = 
4.17114691859297, (143, 1) = 4.27346255477387, (144, 1) = 4.37493096582915, (
145, 1) = 4.46816989748744, (146, 1) = 4.57503223517588, (147, 1) = 
4.6706111839196, (148, 1) = 4.77251827839196, (149, 1) = 4.87005637085427, (150
, 1) = 4.97835988743719, (151, 1) = 5.07214277487437, (152, 1) = 
5.17858719095477, (153, 1) = 5.27559972060302, (154, 1) = 5.38171618190955, (
155, 1) = 5.47327674170854, (156, 1) = 5.57755353165829, (157, 1) = 
5.67827976281407, (158, 1) = 5.7789401919598, (159, 1) = 5.87923030954774, (160
, 1) = 5.97557771557789, (161, 1) = 6.07973181306533, (162, 1) = 
6.1789982201005, (163, 1) = 6.28347143919598, (164, 1) = 6.37804486030151, (165
, 1) = 6.48256619497488, (166, 1) = 6.5826794201005, (167, 1) = 
6.68254896683417, (168, 1) = 6.78686309547739, (169, 1) = 6.8829402160804, (170
, 1) = 6.98133632964824, (171, 1) = 7.08997733065327, (172, 1) = 
7.18834285829146, (173, 1) = 7.28894003517588, (174, 1) = 7.39124477286432, (
175, 1) = 7.48528273467337, (176, 1) = 7.58552415678392, (177, 1) = 
7.68500253467337, (178, 1) = 7.79141347738694, (179, 1) = 7.88531652462311, (
180, 1) = 7.9936611477387, (181, 1) = 8.09143381708543, (182, 1) = 
8.18817476281407, (183, 1) = 8.29220235778895, (184, 1) = 8.39665076582915, (
185, 1) = 8.49168335175879, (186, 1) = 8.59260373668342, (187, 1) = 
8.69109216884422, (188, 1) = 8.79785466834171, (189, 1) = 8.89023391356784, (
190, 1) = 8.99633483517588, (191, 1) = 9.09607527939699, (192, 1) = 
9.1948523396985, (193, 1) = 9.29370797788945, (194, 1) = 9.39453447135678, (195
, 1) = 9.50140886532663, (196, 1) = 9.59940221909548, (197, 1) = 
9.69613424221106, (198, 1) = 9.79953918291458, (199, 1) = 9.9027190201005, (200
, 1) = 10.},datatype = float[8],storage = rectangular,order = Fortran_order,
shape = []),COLOUR(RGB,.47058824,0.,.54901961e-1,_ATTRIBUTE("source" = 
"mathdefault"))),AXESLABELS("",""),VIEW(-10. .. 10.,DEFAULT,_ATTRIBUTE("source"
= "mathdefault")),_ATTRIBUTE("input" = [table([(1)=plot,(2)=[0]]), 
"originalview" = [-10. .. 10., 0. .. 0.], "originalaxesticks" = AXESTICKS(
DEFAULT,DEFAULT,_ATTRIBUTE("source" = "mathdefault"))]))


This below is a proc that takes PLOT data struct and returns correct x,y ranges.  It seems to work ok on few tests I did. Bug reports are welcome.




#gets a PLOT struct and returns correct x,y ranges

local T,from_x,to_x,from_y,to_y;

      error StringTools:-FormatMessage( lastexception[2..-1] );
   end try;

  from_x := op(1,T[1]);
  to_x   := op(2,T[1]);
  from_y := op(1,T[2]);        
  to_y   := op(2,T[2]);  
  if from_y=to_y then
     if from_y<0 then
        to_y   := 0;                
        from_y := from_y-abs(from_y)/2;
     elif from_y>0 then                     
        from_y := 0;
        to_y   := to_y+to_y/2;
        from_y := -1;
        to_y   := 1;                

end proc:

p := plot(6);

[-10. .. 10., 0 .. 9.000000000]

p := plot(-3);

[-10. .. 10., -4.500000000 .. 0]

p := plot(0);

[-10. .. 10., -1 .. 1]

p := plot(x);

[-10. .. 10., -10. .. 10.]

p := plot(sin(x));

[-6.25176936900243163 .. 6.25176937505602837, -1. .. 1.]

p := plot(exp(x));

[-9.94999999999999929 .. 9.94999999999999929, 0.477276339400000010e-4 .. 20952.2223799999992]



Download get_x_y_range.mw



Warning.  plottools:-getdata(p,'rangesonly') is buggy. I replaced this with 

                  rhs~(indets(p, identical("originalview")=anything))[];

which gives more accurate Y ranges used. Here is example showing that getdata(p,'rangesonly') returns wrong y ranges for a plot compared to how it shows on the screen, So in the function above, better use the second method instead. This whole getdata(p,'rangesonly'); should be looked at by Maplesoft and fix to make it return correct values that agrees with screen view.




plottools:-getdata(p,'rangesonly'); #WRONG y values compared to the above plot

[-1.59843684366660455 .. 1.59843684366660455, -709.846391756980552 .. 432.636304188149381]

rhs~(indets(p, identical("originalview")=anything))[]; #better result compared to plot (still not exact but better).

[-1.50000000000 .. 1.50000000000, 2.50000000000 .. 8.50000000000]



Download fixed_plot_Y_range.mw

This is some serious problem in Latex in Maple 2024.1

I went back to using _C1, _C2 for my own constants of integration.

But I want to get the nice latex for c__1,c__2.

So to do that, my understanding is that I just need to call Maple's dsolve after restart on some random ode in order to set c__1,c__2 for display only and also for latex.

This below seems to confirm this.  But now the latex generated is all wrong and messed up on some places. 

My question is: I want to use use _C1,_C2 (i.e. the traditional constants) in my own code I write which generates solution to an ode, but for Latex, I'd like these to come out as c__1,c__2 since they look nicer.

What is the correct way to do this? What Am I doing wrong here? I do not see it.


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`

#EXAMPLE showing using _C1 for input and latex. All works OK

sol:=y(x) = x+_C1/x^2;

y(x) = x+_C1/x^2

#correct latex. No problem compiling, but not nice looking _C1

y \! \left(x \right) = x +\frac{\textit{\_C1}}{x^{2}}

#Example showing what happens when making call to dsolve initially

dsolve(diff(y(x),x$2)=0); #this call is used to just activate display of nicer constants

y(x) = c__1*x+c__2

sol:=y(x) = x+_C1/x^2;

y(x) = x+c__1/x^2

#bad latex, gives error when compiling with texlive

y \! \left(x \right) = x +\frac{c}{_}



Download latex_problem_maple_2024_july_18_2024.mw

And to confirm this is new problem in Maple 2024, I run the same exact worksheet now in Maple 2023.2, and there it works correctly. i.e. Latex generated is correct in both cases. Here is the Maple 2023.2 worksheet, you can see below the difference in Latex.


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2023.2, Windows 10, November 24 2023 Build ID 1762575`

#EXAMPLE showing using _C1 for input and latex. All works OK


sol:=y(x) = x+_C1/x^2;

y(x) = x+_C1/x^2

#correct latex. No problem compiling, but not nice looking _C1

y \! \left(x \right) = x +\frac{\textit{\_C1}}{x^{2}}

#Example showing what happens when making call to dsolve initially


dsolve(diff(y(x),x$2)=0); #this call is used to just activate display of nicer constants

y(x) = c__1*x+c__2

sol:=y(x) = x+_C1/x^2;

y(x) = x+c__1/x^2

#good Latex now in Maple 2023.2.

y \! \left(x \right) = x +\frac{c_{1}}{x^{2}}



Download latex_problem_maple_2023.2.mw

If it makes any difference to Maple, I am using the typesetting EXTENDED now for everything. But I do not think Latex should care about this, but thought to mention it just in case.

I have thought before that Maple's dsolve will try to return implicit solution automatically if unable to find explicit one or for some  other reasons it prefers implicit.

But In this ode, we see Maple returns no solution at all for this first order quadrature ode, even though it can find solution when given implicit option.

Is this a correct behaviour? Should it not have returned this solution automatically?


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1774 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, July 16, 17:18 hours Pacific Time.`



diff(y(x), x) = sin(y(x))

y(a) = b




x-ln(csc(y(x))-cot(y(x)))-a+ln(csc(b)-cot(b)) = 0



Download why_no_solution_by_dsolve_july_18_2024.mw


I found another example of this problem. Maple gives no solution to this ODE unless option implicit is given. This is not right behaviour. If Maple can't give explicit solution, it should return the implicit one automatically. How is the user supposed to know there is a solution to this ode otherwise?



`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1786 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, August 10, 8:50 hours Pacific Time.`



"C:\Users\Owner\maple\toolbox\2024\Physics Updates\lib", "C:\Program Files\Maple 2024\lib"

ode:=(x^2+y(x)^2-2*y(x))*diff(y(x),x) = 2*x:


-exp(-1)+exp(-y(x))*x^2+exp(-y(x))*y(x)^2 = 0


y(x) = -RootOf(exp(_Z)*x^2-(Int(_b*(_b-2)/exp(_a), _b = 0 .. -_Z))+Int(_b*(_b-2)/exp(_a), _b = 0 .. 1))




Download why_does_not_solve_unless_implicit_august_12_2024.mw


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