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12 years, 93 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by nm

I set

Typesetting:-Settings(prime=x,'typesetprime'=true); #this says to use y'(x) instead of dy/dx    
Typesetting:-Suppress(y(x)); # this says to use y' and not y'(x)

So that  y(x) and diff(y(x),x) display as   y and y'  and this works.

But I am not able to clear this effect without doing restart. If I do 

Typesetting:-Unsuppress('all'); #clear all

It still display derivative as  y'(x)  instead of diff(y(x),x) as expected. So the Unsuppress('all') had only partial effect. 

How to completely remove all typestting effects so that it returns to how it was and without doing restart?

Worksheet below. Looked at help page, but it is still not clear. All what help page says is to use Unsuppress(all) and that is what I did. I am using typesetting level extended if it makes any difference. 


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`



diff(diff(y(x), x), x)+(diff(y(x), x))*y(x)+3*y(x) = sin(x)

Typesetting:-Settings(prime=x,'typesetprime'=true); #this says to use y'(x) instead of dy/dx    
Typesetting:-Suppress(y(x)); # this says to use y' and not y'(x)

x, false


diff(diff(y(x), x), x)+(diff(y(x), x))*y(x)+3*y(x) = sin(x)

Typesetting:-Unsuppress('all'); #clear all


diff(diff(y(x), x), x)+(diff(y(x), x))*y(x)+3*y(x) = sin(x)


Warning, no depencency for function y has been declared => ignored



Download how_to_clear_all_typesetting.mw

Something seems to have changed.  I do not now have Maple 2024.0 to check or earlier Maple's as I have to reinstall windows since my C:\ drive died. 

I installed Maple 2024.1 new on windows 10 home edition.

I noticed now when evaluating the current cell, the cursor automatically jumps to next cell, which is what I want and how Maple always worked.

But now the cursor jumps to the end of the command in the next cell. Before, I could swear that not how it worked and it used to jump to the start of the next cell.

This makes it very confusing, as I keep looking for where the cursor is now.

Why was this changed in 2024.1? I looked at option and see nothing to change this. 

Here is worksheet and small movie. 

This is my display options




`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`











Download cursor_jump_to_end_of_line.mw




I tried to change the cursor size and thickness in windows 10 itself (using settings->Ease of access->Text cursor) and made it much bigger and restarted Maple but this had no effect. Cursor inside Maple remained the same.

I was hoping if there is a way to make the cursor bigger then this will make it easier to see where it jumped to when hitting enter.

It is bad, since the Maple cursor jumps to random places in the next cell. sometimes it jumps to the middle of the code in the next cell when there are more than one line there.

Here is a movie. Notice how it jumped to the start of the second line now in next cell in one case and not to the end of the code.

I can't believe no one at Maplesoft have noticed this and is able to fix it. This is ridiculous behavior. I spend few seconds each time I hit enter looking for where the cursor has landed as I keep looking at start of the next cell and it is not there. I could have 10-20 lines of code in one cell and have too look to find where the cursor is hidden in these 20 lines.

It natural for one to look for where the cursor is when woking and this makes it annoying. Hopefully someone can find a way to tell Maple to bring the old behaviour back where cursor jumps always to the start of the next cell.





I switched to using smart plot in Maple since it makes it easier. Here is an example

sol:=[-1/4*x^2, x];

But sometimes it gives internal error, like in this example, because some of the list of solutions give complex over some x domain

sol:=[-1/4*x^2, (-1/2-1/2*(-3)^(1/2))^2+(-1/2-1/2*(-3)^(1/2))*x, (-1/2+1/2*(-3)^(1/2))^2+(-1/2+1/2*(-3)^(1/2))*x];

Luckily I can trap this error and workaround it. 

The strange thing is that if I give it explicit x range, then it works. It now can remove the solutions which give complex values automatically



question is: Should not smart plot have done this automatically? That is why it is called smart plot.

i.e. remove those solutions that give complex values like the case the above? 

Maple 2024.1 on windows 10


I am using the smart plot (i.e plot without giving the x=from..to) since I am generating these plots programmatically and better let Maple figure the best range to use.

But found Maple hangs on some solutions.

Here is an example


I waited for 30 minutes and nothing happened.

If I change the above command to 


then it finishes instantly. It looks like Maple is stuck trying to find correct x and y ranges to use.

Is this known limitation  or smart plot or is this a bug?

Maple 2024.1 on windows 10.


sometimes (not often) I get this pop-up window when I open new worksheet and run something first time in it.

And it can last for 10-20 seconds until connection is made.

I have my preferences set to  create new engine for each worksheet.

The strange thing when this happened now, is that I only had 4 worksheets open and was not running anything in any of them. So Maple was not "busy". Task manage showed 8 mservers.exe processes on it at the time. Which is not unormal.

I have 128 GB and PC was not busy at the time this happened.

Any idea what can cause this to happen?

Windows 10 home edition, Maple 2024.1

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