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Noi that dep moi la don vi chuyen thiet ke, thi cong nha o, noi that tu chung cu, can ho toi nha pho, biet thu, nha hang, khach san… cung nhieu du an khac nhau tai Ha Noi, Tp.HCM va nhieu tinh thanh tren ca nuoc. Voi nhieu nam kinh nghiem trong nghe, khong chi dem den gia tri vat chat chung toi luon muon khach hang co nhung trai nghiem hoan hao nhat trong can nha cua minh. Vi vay dung ngai ngan ma hay trai nghiem thuc te nhung gi ma ban nhan duoc. Chi tiet truy cap trang web: SDT : 09786547566 Dia chi: Thai Ha, Trung Liet, Dong Da, Ha Noi #noithatdepmoi #maunhadep #thietkenoithat #thicongnoithat #thicongkientruc

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