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3 years, 121 days

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Noi That Hoa Phat Gia Si la dai ly cap 1 tai TP.Ho Chi Minh chuyen phan phoi si va le nhung san pham noi that ban ghe van phong duoc san xuat boi Tap Doan Hoa Phat mot thuong hieu noi that hang dau tai Viet Nam. Phone: 0909658985. Address: 1396 Le Duc Tho Phuong 13 Go Vap Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh 700000. Website: #noithathoaphatgiasi #noithathoaphat Dia chi: 1396 Le Duc Tho Phuong 13 Go Vap Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh 700000 SDT: 0909658985

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