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18 years, 128 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by omabbasi

Thanks for the inputs

Thanks a lot for the insights

I am doing this kind of integration to get the weak formulation of a finite element problem. This is why it looks kind of weird.




Firefox Extention by Jimmy Ruska, Translation from Google Translate, (C) Google.
Function to click individual words is from Extension.
Online Education should be free.

Thanks a lot that was a super fast answer :-)

Many thanks that was so helpful

I am not sure if you are asking me or Dr. Robert, but anyhow I tried to change the boundaries to the following:

F(0) = 0, (D(F))(0) = 0, (D(F))(10) = 0, T(10) = 0, (D(T))(0) = lambda

then I got the following message:

Error, (in dsolve/numeric/BVPCont) continuation failed for parameter value 0.1e-1, suggest using a different continuation, or a finer mesh


I am trying this continuation technique now but I think I did not get how to define the lambda parameter. In one of the examples  in the help lambda was repalcing on of the boundary conditions. I tried that but I got:

Error, (in dsolve/numeric/BVPCont) continuation failed for parameter value 0.1e-1, suggest using a different continuation, or a finer mesh

I also tried to increase the number of digits and number of maxmesh but that did not help too.

I will be grateful if you can give some insights.

Yes but in this case the equation will be considered as pictures but not as equation which you cannot modify them if you want. I think the point here is whether we can export from maple "modifiable" equation or not.


I don't have an answer but I will be really glad to know if Maple provides this wonderful feature.

Thanks a lot that is exactly what I need.

Guys I am so grateful. I didn't think I will get a fast respond solving my problem like that. Many thanks all. It now working.
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