
50 Reputation

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13 years, 315 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by onder


I am trying to get the linearized model of a multibody system which has multiple inputs and multiple outputs. I initially used the "linearization template" of the MapleSim for an inverted pendulum, it worked fine. However, when I tried to get the linearized model for the double inverted pendulum, it gave this error message "problem at initial time: system is underdetermined; cannot solve for the following variables: 'Main.DFPSubsys1inst.eM_MyPendulum1_R1(t)'". 


I have a simulation file consisting of a number of modelica custom componets and maple custom components. I initially generated Random Data with mean 1 and standard deviation 0.5. Constructed all the blocks and combined with a multibody system, it worked fine. However, when I generated Random data with zero mean, then I have this error/problem "Simulation Problem: maximum number of event iterations reached (100) at 1.85000".

I used a couple of pre() function with clock=sample(0,0.01...

Hi all,

I have a modelica custom componet which has inputs from angle/speed sensors and the output is a vector. I have an error "Attempted to retrieve property of unknown component". Can anyone see mistakes from the code below;

model basisFunction
    extends Maplesoft.Icons.CustomComponent;
    parameter Real bPen[sn*sn] "The normalized output for the basis function";
    parameter Integer sn=5 "The number of samples in each axist";


I need to generate random gaussian noise and every time when I run the simulation I need to use same noise sequences. So I need to assign a noise seed. This is like Matlab command "randn(state,'123456')". There is one similiar function "randn()" in Modelica, but it just allows us to assign a seed and generate a value which is always the same value during whole simulation unless we change the noise seed. Do you have any idea to generate this kind of Gaussian noise in MapleSim/Modelica?

Hi all,

During simulation I need to use a parameter as a feedback, which is previously determined in a Modelica Custom Component. In this case, can we use Zero Order Hold (ZOH) block/function to hold the previous value? If yes, how should we choose the parameters of ZOH?


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