
50 Reputation

8 Badges

13 years, 315 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by onder


I need to model the MapleSim ground as a hard ground. For example when the robot swing leg hits the ground, it should not have negative vertical position. Basically, the robot will move on a surface.



I have an inverse kinematics model for a double inverted pendulum. There are multiple solutions for each joint angles due to symmetry and I have to choose the appropriate ones. I thought I can use the previous choices and compare them with the current multiple solutions, so I could choose the ones which are closer to the previous ones. However, since the double inverted pendulum moves in in both region at the equilibrium, this aproach does not work. Could you advise...


I need to get inverse kinematics model of a double inverted pendulum. I got a model but it gives error when I run. It seems to me that the inverse kinematics model is not quite right. If you are able to help me, I will be very pleased.DoublePendulumI.msim 

Thanks for your help....









How can we re-initialize a multi-body system, for example a three link pendulum, based on measurements obtained from various sensors? Can we generate a modelica custom component which has inputs from various sensors and the output is the re-initialized states for the multi-body system?

Thanks for your help....


I have a system consisting of a multi-body system and various modelica/maple custom components. The problem is whenever I re-run the simulation even though all the simulation settings are same, the simulation results are inconsistent. There should be no difference between each simulation as all the parameters/settings are same. I am attaching two pictures which are both obtained from two successive simulations

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