
145 Reputation

7 Badges

8 years, 213 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by panke



Thank you


This work, but is not the same plot. I want to plot X(t) over T(t)



@Preben Alsholm 

Thank you, i will try it,but i don’t have Maple 2018.

It work with Maple 13, a little bit complicatet for a simple thinks?


Thank you. It was long way to do a simple think.

I use Simulink for simulation, you have Stop element to stop the simulation let say if the v(t) > 100 .

O.k thank you again 


Thank you. 

I want to stop the simulation if the s(t) > const.

Or same problem but s(t) > f(s(t)) .


 How can i do it?



@Carl Love 

Thank you. This is easy solution 

@Carl Love 

Thank you this solution work!,,

I get a Error

Error, Sleep is not a command in the Threads package

@one man 
Thank you.

This is my event statment that dos'nt work ?


s(tau) is a solution of the dsolve(...)

I have Maple 13


@one man 
Thank you . I will try it. I did't found it at help for dsolve


Thank you got idea

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