
8 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 173 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by paulcon

ginac could not do the integrals i want to do, so i'm using openmaple. when i try to run the simple.c example - which i compiled as "prog" - i get the following error: /home/paulcon/workspaceSUM06/OpenMaplePCElib/prog Fatal error, The license manager file, /home/paulcon/workspaceSUM06/license/license.dat, does not exist, or could not be opened. do i seriously have to keep the license file in the same directory as my program? or is there an environment variable i can set? thanks, paul
ginac could not do the integrals i want to do, so i'm using openmaple. when i try to run the simple.c example - which i compiled as "prog" - i get the following error: /home/paulcon/workspaceSUM06/OpenMaplePCElib/prog Fatal error, The license manager file, /home/paulcon/workspaceSUM06/license/license.dat, does not exist, or could not be opened. do i seriously have to keep the license file in the same directory as my program? or is there an environment variable i can set? thanks, paul
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