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12 years, 50 days

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These are replies submitted by pkassar

@acer I managed to piece it together and get all the code for the procedure! Thank you very much for your help and everyone who answered this post in a record time!! This last piece of information was the breakthrough!



  There's quite a bit to decypher now I better get to it. Thanks again everyone.


@acer I managed to piece it together and get all the code for the procedure! Thank you very much for your help and everyone who answered this post in a record time!! This last piece of information was the breakthrough!



  There's quite a bit to decypher now I better get to it. Thanks again everyone.


Let me thank you both for your time and for your answer!
I have added the line of code that seemed the most straightforward to me. The name of the package I am loading is MarriagePack and the procedure I'm investigating is stableMatching. It is part of a file I have loaded called mccgp. Here is a screenshot.
For your information I am studying the Gale-Shapley Algorithm. This is where I am at so far, it seems that information about this package is a little bit more complicated to access that I had imagined. Or maybe my only-basic knowledge of Maple does not allow me understand the output I am getting on this.

The first couple of lines are not very clear to me but I was instructed to just copy them in order to implement the package. I think you can disregard them as I have tested the stableMatching function and it seem to be doing the job it should (or the way I loaded this package is the reason for why I only got such limited code of the procedures in play)

Thank you again.


PS: Please excuse my amateurish screenshot.

Let me thank you both for your time and for your answer!
I have added the line of code that seemed the most straightforward to me. The name of the package I am loading is MarriagePack and the procedure I'm investigating is stableMatching. It is part of a file I have loaded called mccgp. Here is a screenshot.
For your information I am studying the Gale-Shapley Algorithm. This is where I am at so far, it seems that information about this package is a little bit more complicated to access that I had imagined. Or maybe my only-basic knowledge of Maple does not allow me understand the output I am getting on this.

The first couple of lines are not very clear to me but I was instructed to just copy them in order to implement the package. I think you can disregard them as I have tested the stableMatching function and it seem to be doing the job it should (or the way I loaded this package is the reason for why I only got such limited code of the procedures in play)

Thank you again.


PS: Please excuse my amateurish screenshot.

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