
5 Reputation

2 Badges

10 years, 333 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by rwooduk

@Preben Alsholm Yes, that worked, thanks very much for your help! Really appreciated!!! 

@Preben Alsholm 


yes, if i copy and paste the above it just does this:


confused as to why it wont plot

@Preben Alsholm Almost there! but that line doesnt plot a graph it just prints out the line again below it, there is no error message though! so just need to know how to view it now?


thanks again for the help!

@Carl Love 


Many thanks for that, its appreciated!

Just one last thing, i need to plot a graph in 3D, it is 3D in vector space i.e. k__x , k__y , k__z

will it plot in 3D this way?


this is what it should look like:

ive tried

plot (E,k__x=-infinity .. infinity,k__y=-infinity .. infinity,k__z=-infinity .. infinity);


but it says error in plot, is this the correct command?


thanks again.

@Preben Alsholm 


couldnt find a green arrow, but ive uploaded my attempt below, if someone could have a quick look at it? i need to plot it for a homework question, but have no previous maple experience.


click on the "download now", not the "download" in the advertisement.

oh it was the brackets, ok now i get this:


empty script base, i think its to to with the cos^2 term? but i tried (cos(blahblahblah))^2

and i still get the same error


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