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These are replies submitted by salim-barzani

@dharr you did the limit so pretty just one step remain, and equation (11) is true i find exactly same!, i need to get the series without series we can't go further in all paper they mention this which from N-soliton reach the M-Lump by applying this , what they see which we can't see 

in your paper which linked mention this note too in below of (22)

for w(i)

if needed other paper please mention to upload more and more 

@mmcdara i just mention the second restart for know how the series work is strange series and the second series is making like that  but contain a different structure i want to make that series 

@mmcdara  we have two series the second series which contain product multiplier  we need that series watch lump you will see, but instead of N we must put 2M which m is number of lump ,for F[N]=F[2M] so in  series we have two define b[12] which we have it from N soliton is a[12] after that  in a[12] we have two take limit from a[12] when k[i]->0 then we get B[12] and then we can build all B[12] in 1 and 2 lump and 3 lump  i just need that series which contain product  and if possible apply k[i]->0 in a[12]=B[12] 

@mmcdara  why in function you just replace b[12] where i should add the b[13] and b[23] where  add code for substitute other b[ij] substitute 

@mmcdara ...........................

@mmcdara  thank you dear

@nm  that is so good now i can calculated easily  thanks so much

@nm thank you so much 

@nm the question are so different even if you watch this taged question they write dublicated where is this question i don't know  

@mmcdara  you calculated true but the answer of question is  wrong i think, when we  look for b[ij] and b[ij] already given by the iteration of b[ij] i just want calculate each one of them then replace in my function , i dont see my function contain the 
(k[i] - k[j] + (k[i] - k[j])^2)/(k[i] - k[j])

@mmcdara  my questions are semilar but they are different 

they taged dublicated even this post 

@dharr is more than two month I am busy with this I have a question why they are talk about bilinear form? in this equation you did it without bilinear form, also for finding R again you did something new always I do iteration for finding R I have one paper just one exist which did it like series iteration I don't know how work with it I will post that too but now I must find each structure, I will solve more of equations like you did and I will try work on bilinear form too, this work you did made my day thank you so much 

@janhardo ...

@dharr i am so sorry but i try

@dharr  i can't find it the code you did it before for me but i don't remember where i save it

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