
5 Reputation

3 Badges

13 years, 351 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by samantasubho

I understand the error. I have corrected it by defining 1/m=epsilon. Now everything works fine, but instead of showing all the three equations after series substitution MAPLE is showing only Eq [3]. But it should show all equations together. Can you please check if I am logically incorrect somewhere?

restart; N := 2

alias(eta = e, theta = t)

Eq[1] := 5*(diff(F(e), `$`(e, 3)))+(1+3/m)*F(e)*(diff(F(e), `$`(e, 2)))-(2+1/m)*(diff(F(e), e))^2-(4+2/m)*H(e)-(1-2/m)*e*(diff(H(e), e)) = 0

Eq[2] := diff(H(e), e) = t(e)

Eq[3] := 5*(diff(t(e), `$`(e, 2)))/Pr+(1+3/m)*F(e)*(diff(t(e), e))-5*(diff(F(e), e))*t(e)

pars := 1/m = epsilon

for i to 3 do eq[i] := subs(pars, Eq[i]) end do

eqs := eq[1], eq[2], eq[3]

F1 := unapply(add(epsilon^i*F[i](e), i = 0 .. N), e)

F2 := unapply(add(epsilon^i*H[i](e), i = 0 .. N), e)

F3 := unapply(add(epsilon^i*t[i](e), i = 0 .. N), e)

deqn := simplify(collect(subs({F(e) = F1(e), H(e) = F2(e), t(e) = F3(e)}, eqs), epsilon), {epsilon^(N+1) = 0})

Thanks in

I understand the error. I have corrected it by defining 1/m=epsilon. Now everything works fine, but instead of showing all the three equations after series substitution MAPLE is showing only Eq [3]. But it should show all equations together. Can you please check if I am logically incorrect somewhere?

restart; N := 2

alias(eta = e, theta = t)

Eq[1] := 5*(diff(F(e), `$`(e, 3)))+(1+3/m)*F(e)*(diff(F(e), `$`(e, 2)))-(2+1/m)*(diff(F(e), e))^2-(4+2/m)*H(e)-(1-2/m)*e*(diff(H(e), e)) = 0

Eq[2] := diff(H(e), e) = t(e)

Eq[3] := 5*(diff(t(e), `$`(e, 2)))/Pr+(1+3/m)*F(e)*(diff(t(e), e))-5*(diff(F(e), e))*t(e)

pars := 1/m = epsilon

for i to 3 do eq[i] := subs(pars, Eq[i]) end do

eqs := eq[1], eq[2], eq[3]

F1 := unapply(add(epsilon^i*F[i](e), i = 0 .. N), e)

F2 := unapply(add(epsilon^i*H[i](e), i = 0 .. N), e)

F3 := unapply(add(epsilon^i*t[i](e), i = 0 .. N), e)

deqn := simplify(collect(subs({F(e) = F1(e), H(e) = F2(e), t(e) = F3(e)}, eqs), epsilon), {epsilon^(N+1) = 0})

Thanks in

I am using worksheet mode. I have attached the MAPLE file for ready reference.

I am using worksheet mode. I have attached the MAPLE file for ready reference.

Thank You for your kind reply.

Thank You for your kind reply.

Thank You Sir for your kind reply.

Thank You Sir for your kind reply.


I want to eliminate the variable u(x) from the two equations eqs1 and eqs2 attached in the maple worksheet Here u(x) and delta are both functions of x. Is it possible to do it in Maple. If possible, how do I do it?

I tried to use PDEtools [casesplit] but Maple is giving no results after continuous 4 hours of running. The result for the problem is also attached in the document MAPLE.doc


First of all, I thank you for your reply to my question. I have now re framed my question and attached the maple worksheet. It is available as
I want to eliminate u(x) from eqs(1) and eqs(2). I tried to use PDEtools [casesplit] but Maple is giving no results after continuous 4 hours of running. The result for the problem is also attached in the document MAPLE.doc

I shall be highly obliged if you look the problem.


First of all, I thank you for your reply to my question. I have now re framed my question and attached the maple worksheet. It is available as
I want to eliminate u(x) from eqs(1) and eqs(2). I tried to use PDEtools [casesplit] but Maple is giving no results after continuous 4 hours of running. The result for the problem is also attached in the document MAPLE.doc

I shall be highly obliged if you look the problem.

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