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12 years, 6 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by sanaz


hi, thank you very much  for your reply

i compute more terms of original function f(X), 

> with(numapprox);
> f := (29/2)*x^2-(899/24)*x^4+(26941/720)*x^6-(808259/40320)*x^8+(24247799/3628800)*x^10-(727433999/479001600)*x^12+(1983910909/7925299200)*x^14;
> e := pade(f, x, [5, 4]);
> with(plots);
> P := plot(f, x = 0 .. 1, y = 0 .. 2, style = point, color = "SteelBlue");
> G := plot(e, x = 0 .. 1, y = 0 .. 2, style = line);
> display(P, G);

excuse me i i have a request ,the following command give me 2 term of series but i want get more terms of higher order,  
> de := diff(x(t), `$`(t, 2))+30*x(t)+.1*x(t)^3 = 29*cos(t);
> dsolve({de, x(0) = 0, (D(x))(0) = 0}, x(t), series);
result is: x(t) = (29/2)*t^2-(899/24)*t^4+O(t^6)
please help me


hi, thank you very much  for your reply

i compute more terms of original function f(X), 

> with(numapprox);
> f := (29/2)*x^2-(899/24)*x^4+(26941/720)*x^6-(808259/40320)*x^8+(24247799/3628800)*x^10-(727433999/479001600)*x^12+(1983910909/7925299200)*x^14;
> e := pade(f, x, [5, 4]);
> with(plots);
> P := plot(f, x = 0 .. 1, y = 0 .. 2, style = point, color = "SteelBlue");
> G := plot(e, x = 0 .. 1, y = 0 .. 2, style = line);
> display(P, G);

excuse me i i have a request ,the following command give me 2 term of series but i want get more terms of higher order,  
> de := diff(x(t), `$`(t, 2))+30*x(t)+.1*x(t)^3 = 29*cos(t);
> dsolve({de, x(0) = 0, (D(x))(0) = 0}, x(t), series);
result is: x(t) = (29/2)*t^2-(899/24)*t^4+O(t^6)
please help me

hello, thank you for your reply

f(x)=(29/2)*x^2-(899/24)*x^4+(26941/720)*x^6-... is a original function(f(x) obtained of solve differential equation by using differential transform method )

I want write Pade approximation for "f(x)" and i want  compare these approximations with the original function.

e := pade(f, x, [5, 4]); "e" is Pade approximation

then i disply "p" curve of origina function("f") and "G"curve of Pade approximation


i want know my  command  Correct


excuse me i don't nice speak english

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