
10 Reputation

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4 years, 169 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by sbergman123

Note: (Alt 8) is to create a bullet character on a mac.  Windows seems a bit more involved to produce a bullet character, although I haven't tested this.  Copying and pasting the bullet character works too, but that's tedious and hardly elegant.



Bullet point


Hmm.  For my needs I guess I will just continue to use a Unicode bullet (alt 8) to show parent-child relationships and subtext while writing documents illustrating thought flow.  I am starting to believe that I haven't overlooked something obvious when dealing with lists, and the fixed bullet is by design.  As "they" say, "A picture is worth a thousand words".

How Maple Does it:


• Maple Top Idea

• Maple sub-idea1

• Maple sub-sub-idea1

• Maple sub-idea2 


How I want it:


• Maple Top Idea

    • Maple sub-idea1

        • Maple sub-sub-idea1

    • Maple sub-idea2 


Yes.  I was unclear in my use of the word "program".  Other Applications like word-processors is what I should have said.

"...stays fixed to the left of the execution group".  Fixed to the left of the TEXT BLOCK rather.

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