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4 years, 345 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by shahri

@acer sir, from three set of solutions, I want to take only single set because if I put one  set of solution in the expression to get the exacyly same exact solution which is required y(x) = (a[1]*exp(x)+a[0]+a[-1]*exp(-x))/(b[1]*exp(x)+b[0]+b[-1]*exp(-x))in the form of


y(x) = exp(x)

Is it possible from the three set of solutions i take the value of the constant according to my  choice and which  values of constsnts who satisfied my exact solutions?





@acer sorry x is wrote by mistake .I used k in place of x and k is neither variable nor parameter .Here want to find single set of solution.

@acer yes i am solving symbolically for some variable in term of remaining parameters. I have this {omega, a[-1], a[0], b[-1]} as a variable and this {a[1],b[0]} as a free parameter. I solved system from your ideas but i did not achive required answer. 

Sir, I am asking you when i apply this command values := solve(sys, {a[-1], a[0], a[1], b[-1], b[0], b[1]}); on system of equations.I keep three solution sets but i want to find single set of solution like this {a [-1]=0,b[1]=,a [0]=0

b[0]=a [1],b [-1]=0,a [1]=a[1]}. Acually i want to find exact solution  of problems.

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