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SLIM X3 duoc danh gia la san pham giam can vuot troi nho su ket hop cua cac thanh phan tu nhien va cong nghe tien tien. Khong chi ho tro giam can hieu qua, Slim X3 con mang lai nhieu loi ich suc khoe, giup co the khoe manh, can doi. Voi cach su dung don gian va an toan, Slim X3 la lua chon ly tuong cho hanh trinh lay lai voc dang. Ten Thuong Hieu: SLIM X3 Ðia chi: 44 C9, Phuong 13, Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam Ðien thoai: 0316956578 Website: Email: Zipcode: 70000 Hashtag: #slimx3vn #slimx3

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