
10 Reputation

2 Badges

11 years, 213 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by snijman

@Preben Alsholm Thank you very much. I understand it now. Many thanks for taking your time to help me.



@Preben Alsholm Thank you very much. I understand it now. Many thanks for taking your time to help me.



Briliant! It worked! Thank you very much.

If I could bother you a bit more, could you explain what the last 2 lines do?

I assume you somehow tell Maple that the solution is in that range and then give it a starting point to iterate i.e. solve numerically? But would this only work if the starting point is close enough to the actual answer? Or what if you don't know the range at all?

Briliant! It worked! Thank you very much.

If I could bother you a bit more, could you explain what the last 2 lines do?

I assume you somehow tell Maple that the solution is in that range and then give it a starting point to iterate i.e. solve numerically? But would this only work if the starting point is close enough to the actual answer? Or what if you don't know the range at all?

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