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14 years, 146 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by swanwane

Foucault’s Pendulum Exploration Using MAPLE18


In this article, we develop the traditional differential equation for Foucault’s pendulum from physical situation and solve it from
standard form. The sublimation of boundary condition eliminates the constants and choice of the local parameters (latitude, pendulum specifications) offers an equation that can be used for a plot followed by animation using MAPLE. The fundamental conceptual components involved in preparing differential equation viz; (i) rotating coordinate system, (ii) rotation of the plane of oscillation and its dependence on the latitude, (iii) effective gravity with latitude, etc., are discussed in detail. The accurate calculations offer quantities up to the sixth decimal point which are used for plotting and animation. This study offers a hands-on experience. Present article offers a know-how to devise a Foucault’s pendulum just by plugging in the latitude of reader’s choice. Students can develop a miniature working model/project of the pendulum.

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