
5 Reputation

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11 years, 192 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by szf

Yes, virtualization might be the way to go, although it seems like too much effort for me.

The reason I need this strange setup is that I have a Windows machine, but JC-Faugere's FGb package for computing Groebner bases only available for Mac or Linux. That is why I am seeking a ``cheap'' way to set up a linux environment for this particular usage only. Just for the record: the built-in version of FGb into Maple has some internal limitation which forbids of creating matrices of size larger than 200.000x200.000, or something like that. I don't know the nasty details, the point is that the package is not working properly under windows.

Yes, virtualization might be the way to go, although it seems like too much effort for me.

The reason I need this strange setup is that I have a Windows machine, but JC-Faugere's FGb package for computing Groebner bases only available for Mac or Linux. That is why I am seeking a ``cheap'' way to set up a linux environment for this particular usage only. Just for the record: the built-in version of FGb into Maple has some internal limitation which forbids of creating matrices of size larger than 200.000x200.000, or something like that. I don't know the nasty details, the point is that the package is not working properly under windows.

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