
505 Reputation

12 Badges

11 years, 79 days
Maple is to me difficult. The first version I bought was Maple9, and it was more than 15 years ago. But, I couldn't use it, feeling it too difficult. But, three years ago, I thought Maple might be helpful to my study, and since then, I have continued to learn Maple. As I got able to read the Maple help, I think that I could get to use maple better now than before. But, I feel that I am a beginner yet.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by taro

I updated the OSX from El Capitan 10.11 to Sierra 10.12.

After then, whenever I try to input Japanese characters, Internal Error notification appears, and it crashes.
As it is not realistic to go back to the old OS, as the time when I did back up was a little before, I wouldn't do so.
Then, I might end up torelating not using Japanese until the next version of maple appears next year.
Are the situations like this ?

I know there might not be any response as this is about inputting Japanese characters.

Best wishes.


Hello people in mapleprimes,


To the following expression, I want to apply applyop so that I want to change its denominator expanded ,

but I don't know how to do it.

So, I am writing now hoping someone  teach me it.

m:= 2*p/(p^2+1)^2;


op(m) brings the result of 2, p, 1/(p^2+1)^2,

And, op(1,m) is 2, op(2,m) is p and op(3,m) is 1/(p^2+1)^2, and

op([3,1],m) is p^2+1 and op([3,2],m) is -2.

So, the tree is `*`{2,p, 1/(p^2+1)^2}, and the tree of 1/(p^2+1)^2 is `^`{p^2+1,-2}.

And, the command expand can't play that rule on 1/{(p^2+1)^2} as its original rule is

to expand the mere numerator. And, anyway, 1/{(p^2+1)^2} is interpleted by maple as (p^2+1)^(-2),

which is not 1 devided by (p^2+1)^2, the latter of which is seen to be expanded to be p^4+2*p^2+1, but

the interpletation by maple of it is not so, and if applyop(`denom`,expand,m) works, even it is good.

But, it doesn't follow the syntax of maple. Then, can't use applyop in this case?

Best wishes.


Hello people in mapleprimes,

I want to ask you about how to make a function of function which makes a logarithmic derivative of a function.

For example, x^3 is mapped as h(x^3)=3h(x), h(x+y)=(x/(x+y))*h(x)+(y/(x+y))*h(y),


I hope someone give me a hing to create h.


Best wishes.






Hello people in maple primes

I have a question, which is about the matrix shown in http://www.mapleprimes.com/questions/217852-HOW-I-Convert-Root-Of-In-To-Another-Common-Form

Why can't C below be shown with beta?

A := Matrix(3, 3, [[-a, a, 0], [0, 0, -sqrt(l*b*c*(j+k))/(j+k)], [2*j*sqrt(l*b*c*(j+k))/((j+k)*l), 2*k*sqrt(l*b*c*(j+k))/((j+k)*l), -c]]);
C:=subs(j*alpha^(1/2) = beta,B);
e:=subs(alpha^(1/2) = gamma,B);

Best wishes.




Hello people in mapleprimes,

I have a question:
What are you doing when you use maple in calculating, for example, your paper,
to avoid missing, for example, variables you use, or for your needs to look back the outcomes you obtained before?
If this is a paper-using work, on considering what to do next, you will read some pieces of papers you wrote and
on which you had calculated and obtained necessary equations. But, with small monitor 13 inch, and with
inconvenience of dealing with things in PC, compared with papers, I feel some stress in using maple in writing a paper.
So, now, I am asking you what kind of methods you has devised to make what you are writing compact and easy,
for you to handle with what you are writing.

I know surely that there are the document block, which enables output or input to not be shown, the workbook,
which is helpful in putting attached worksheets or jpg files together at one workbook, and the distinction of ":" and ";",
which in the case of the former, hides expressions in the outcome.

But, yet, I want to ask you about the ways you use to make it easy to write something.
If you have some, I will be very glad if you show it here.

Best wishes.








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