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2 years, 188 days

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The Global City la du an to hop nha pho, biet thu va can ho cao cap do tap doan Masterise Homes lam chu dau tu. Khu do thi nam ngay vi tri “vang” khi so huu den hai mat tien duong Song Hanh va duong Do Xuan Hop phuong An Phu, Quan 2, TP Thu Duc. The Global City An Phu huong den phong cach sang trong, dang cap. Global City so huu tien ich noi khu vuot troi cung mat do xay dung thap, mang xanh rong lon. Dia chi : QQWF+QM6, An Phu, Quan 2, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam SDT : 0937.839.448 Website : Email : #thegobalcitymasteri #theglobalcity #duantheglobalcity #theglobalcityquan2 #khudothitheglobalcity #globalcity

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